Why The Eagle Flies Higher than Other Birds
Copyright © Anike Foundation
Edarais the last son of Akhema, a skillful carver and sculptor. He was also a well-known farmer, well-known across Uzedo, his kingdom. Any carved or sculpture work done by Akhemahad had no rival. He had taught his sons how to carve and sculpt, and they were all doing well in the art.
One morning, Edera, the last son of Akhema, was accompanying his father to the farm to work and cut wood for carving.
On their way, they met his father’s friend.
As soon as they saw each other, his father’s friend began to call his father by his nickname, “Ahielenkpen,” which means “The Eagle”. After his father and his friend had greeted, they left each other and headed towards their intended direction.
As soon as they parted, Ederaasked his father what his nickname meant and his father told him “eagle”.
“Why eagle?”
“Because eagle flies higher than every other bird, besides, it has other qualities which other birds do not have,” his father replied.
“Why does the eagle fly higher than every other bird?” His son asked?
“I shall tell you the story my son,” his father began.
“When the Creator created each animal he gave them the opportunity to make a special request, which he granted...”
After the eagle was created, he made his own special request, which was that the creator should grant her the ability to fly above every other bird.
The creator granted it with a condition, that it would be only through practice so that her eaglets could acquire the skill of flying higher than other birds. It would not be hereditary. The eagle agreed and left.
Since then, the eagle had learned to teach her children how to fly higher than other birds.
The eagle started by making her nest on top of the tallest trees where she laid her eggs, incubated them and hatched them.
When it was time for her eaglets to learn to fly, the tallest trees formed the lowest base.
The eagle took her eaglets on routine flight practice. By so doing, the eagle flies higher than every other bird.”
Akhematold told his son to let his own success form his beginning so that he would fly higher than him in the practice of their family business -carving and sculpturing.